Faculty of Engineering Management

Diploma dissertations

Hands on laptopImportant information

The structure and requirements of the diploma dissertation are described in “Guidelines for preparing diploma dissertations”.
The student must submit the dissertation to the Dean’s Office within the following periods:

  • until 28 February in case of studies ending in the winter semester;
  • until 30 September in case of studies ending in the summer semester.

The student records the dissertation into the APD system. Upon receiving two positive reviews, the student prints out the dissertation from the APD system and forwards it with a set of documents:

  • one hardcover version of the dissertation,
  • one electronic version of the dissertation on CD (.pdf, .doc or docx file),
  • 5 photos for diploma and copies (size 4,5 cm x 6,5 cm),
  • clearance slip,  
  • an application for diploma,
  • an application for on-line defence

to the Dean’s Office for the diploma examination.



diploma-dissertation-sheet-pattern-no-2 (DOC, 45 KB)

Examination-issues-SIB (PDF, digitally accessible, 103 KB)

Guidelines-on-diploma-theses (PDF, digitally accessible, 247 KB)

Karta-obiegowa-2021-1 (DOCX, 14 KB)

one-page-abstract-in-a-modern-foreign-language-pattern-no-3 (DOCX, 16 KB)

statement-pattern-no-4 (DOCX, 14 KB)

title-sheet-pattern-no-1 (DOC, 35 KB)

zal.-nr-1-wniosek-o-wydanie-dyplomu-dla-rozpoczynajacych-ksztalcenie-w-2019-20 (DOCX, 16 KB)

Zalacznikdozarzadzenia-1148 (DOCX, 15 KB)

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