The structure and requirements of the diploma dissertation are described in “Guidelines for preparing diploma dissertations”.
The student must submit the dissertation to the Dean’s Office within the following periods:
The student records the dissertation into the APD system. Upon receiving two positive reviews, the student prints out the dissertation from the APD system and forwards it with a set of documents:
to the Dean’s Office for the diploma examination.
diploma-dissertation-sheet-pattern-no-2 (DOC, 45 KB)
Examination-issues-SIB (PDF, digitally accessible, 103 KB)
Guidelines-on-diploma-theses (PDF, digitally accessible, 247 KB)
Karta-obiegowa-2021-1 (DOCX, 14 KB)
one-page-abstract-in-a-modern-foreign-language-pattern-no-3 (DOCX, 16 KB)
statement-pattern-no-4 (DOCX, 14 KB)
title-sheet-pattern-no-1 (DOC, 35 KB)
zal.-nr-1-wniosek-o-wydanie-dyplomu-dla-rozpoczynajacych-ksztalcenie-w-2019-20 (DOCX, 16 KB)