The Children’s University of Economics is run by the Foundation for the Promotion and Accreditation of Economic Studies in cooperation with local partners, including the Białystok University of Technology.
The aim of the University is to popularize knowledge and build economic awareness among children from an early age. The educational offer is addressed to students of the fifth and sixth grades of primary schools. The program also includes a series of meetings for parents in the field of upbringing and shaping attitudes in children. The strategic partner of the project is the National Bank of Poland.
Lectures at the Children’s University of Economics last one semester. Each semester includes six meetings of two lesson hours. The issues focuses on management, economics, marketing, economic history, psychology and business ethics. The meetings are a combination of a lecture, discussion, workshop and public presentation of their results. During the workshops, young students play various roles: team leaders, negotiators, stock market investors or marketing specialists, learning how to work in a group, independent thinking and planning.
Meetings for young economists from Białystok are held at the Faculty of Management Engineering of the Białystok University of Technology.