Faculty of Engineering Management

Digital Design Skills for Factories of the Future DIGIFOF

Logo DIGIFOFThe DIGIFOF project proposes a network of training environments where HEIs, enterprises and training institutions come together to develop skill profiles, training concepts as well as materials for design aspects of the Factory of the Future (FoF). It will create an organizational structure to foster knowledge transfer between industry and academia, aiming to provide educational and experimental OMiLAB4FoF laboratories, where FoF-aspects can be taught practically or experimented with. These will be equipped with modelling, simulation and analysis tools targeting: strategic aspects of FoF (innovative business models, product-service systems, design thinking, crowd-production), process aspects (business process management, enterprise architecture management, product-lifecycle-management) and systems aspects (digital factory, product design, CPS and embedded intelligence, security and safety management).

DIGIFOF project is focused on the following objectives:

  • Creation an industry-academia cooperation network,
  • Development innovative mutidisciplinary teaching and training materials,
  • Realizing vocational and initial training programs using a problem-based approach,
  • Development design/modelling tools for FoF,
  • Creation and population of a digital library with online learning materials,
  • Enabling work and training experiences through industrial and university placements,
  • Development a guideline for an industry-academia Master program in FoF-Design.
Leader project contact:

Project manager: Rector Ioan BONDREA.
 ioan.bondrea [at] ulbsibiu.ro

 +40 269-216-062

Coordinator: Adrian FLOREA.
 adrian.florea [at] ulbsibiu.ro

Bd-ul. Victoriei, Nr.10, Sibiu, 550024,

Local contact person:

Arkadiusz JURCZUK
 a.jurczuk [at] pb.edu.pl

 (+48) 85 746-98-80

Bialystok University of Technology
45A, Wiejska Street
15-351 Bialystok, POLAND


Partner's logos

Project co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Knowledge Alliances
Project website: www.digifof.eu

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