Urszula Ryciuk, PhD, Marta Jarocka, PhD, Assoc. Prof.
The “LogiSQUAD” Student Scientific Circle brings together young and ambitious students who feel the need to develop and acquire knowledge in the logistics. The Circle was established in 2016 at the International Department of Logistics and Service Engineering at the Faculty of Management Engineering of the Bialystok University of Technology. The scientific and research topics that the Circle deals with include the following issues: planning and optimization of transport systems, organization of road and rail transport, logistics management, improvement of supply chains, warehousing, inventory management, marketing and packaging in logistics, forecasting, procurement and international trade. The largest event, regularly organized by LogiSQUAD”, is the Logistics Day.
Łukasz Dragun, PhD, Eng.
The Industry 4.0 student research group operates at the Department of Production Management. The circle is a form of scientific activity of students of the Faculty of Management Engineering at the Białystok University of Technology. The student research group together students from various faculties who want to create their own theoretical interests and develop the idea with the industry.
Research topics, which include the fact that the extension of the page is completed:
– Internationalization of the enterprise
– Internet of Things (IoT)
– Smart factory
– Industrial Revolution
– Industry 4.0 in SMEs and large enterprises
– Big Data
– Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
Alicja Gudanowska, PhD, Anna Olszewska, PhD, Eng.
The association was founded in 2018, and the main reason for its establishment was the desire to create a group in which students of FEM BUT could express their creativity. The task of the association is to conduct scientific work related to creativity in the broadest sense, as well as creative integration conducted among FEM students. Its members are open to realize any unusual and unique idea! The club is divided into 3 sections: creative, scientific and artistic.
Please visit the official profile on Facebook
Anna Dyhdalewicz, PhD
Students’ Scientific Association deals with the development of knowledge in the discipline of management and quality science, as well as economy and finance.
The purpose of the Association is:
Julia Siderska, PhD, Dorota Leończuk, PhD
Scientific tutors
Julia Siderska, PhD
Dorota Leończuk, PhD
Board of the Student Research Group
President – Marcin Czubaszek
Vice president – Edyta Bolesta
Secretary – Wiktoria Golubiewska
The Student Research Group for Data Analysis in Business gathers students who wish to develop their passion and skills and broaden their practical and theoretical knowledge of business activities, especially in the logistics sector.
The Student Research Group ADaBiz operates at the International Department of Logistics and Service Engineering, at the Faculty of Engineering Management, Bialystok University of Technology.
DaBiz focuses its research activities on broadly defined business data analysis, in particular related to the activities of companies in the logistics sector or companies with logistics departments. The scientific and research scope concerns in particular the use of data analysis in:
Ewa Rauba, PhD, Eng.
The aim of the Student Scientific Association is:
The objectives of the Student Scientific Association are achieved through:
Romuald Ziółkowski, PhD, Eng.
We are students of the Faculty of Management Engineering at the Bialystok Technical University, who are interested in travel and widely understood tourism. We are focused on acquiring and developing new skills connected with our passion. We do this through organizing meetings, training and lectures. One of our main goals is establishing contact and cooperation with representatives of the tourism and tourism-related industries.
Andrzej Pawluczuk, PhD
The only interdisciplinary research club at the Faculty of Management Engineering, Bialystok University of Technology, whose main areas of activity are innovation, education and current socio-economic problems. The aim of the circle (club) is to engage students of polytechnics from Poland and abroad as part of Erasmus programs and English-language studies to cooperate with other research clubs from the Bialystok University of Technology and other universities from Poland and abroad. In recent years, the members of the club regularly publish in the journal Academy of Management, conduct social campaigns and participate in training at the university and outside. Students take their first steps in start-up activities and competitions.
The club’s supervisor is Dr. Andrzej Pawluczuk, associated with the Białystok University of Technology for over 20 years, in the past an expert of the Marshal’s Office in the assessment of business projects for subsidies for innovative enterprises from the region. Dr. Andrzej Pawluczuk engages students in international and research projects, where they learn practically about scientific and organizational work. The supervisor of the research club puts a lot of emphasis on the development of soft skills of its members, giving them great opportunities to develop their own ideas and improve their competences. Dr. Andrzej Pawluczuk promotes the motto: Studies at 300% in didactic work and in the research club.
Scientific club supervisor: dr Andrzej Pawluczuk a.pawluczuk [at] pb.edu.pl
Chairman: Edgar Kalejnik kalejnik.edgar[at]gmail.com
Vice president: Michalina Łapińska michalina.lapinska[at]o2.pl
Wiesław Urban, DSc, PhD, Eng., Assoc. Prof.
We are one of the oldest student scientific circles at our faculty. We have been founded in 2006, from our beginning prof. Wieslaw Urban is our scientific tutor. We are aiming at developing our knowledge and skills by practical projects. So that we have been performed dozens of projects for and with business. Our moto is ‘We form a young spirit organization by be passionate of personal development.’
Elżbieta Krawczyk-Dembicka, PhD, Eng
SRC Young Engineers was established in November 2021 and is a new version of the SRC of “Inventiveness and Rationalisation”. It operates under the supervision of PhD Eng. Elżbieta Krawczyk-Dembicka.
The activities that are carried out in the Student Research Club include issues related to the broadly understood production engineering and production management. In our works, we take up current problems related to production and look for new ways to solve them. We strive to establish international cooperation in interdisciplinary teams.
The purpose of projects and works undertaken by members of Young Engineers is, among others, the development of new or improved solutions that can be used in production planning or production processes.
Andrzej Smolarczyk, PhD
The humanities club operating at the Białystok University of Technology deals with the broadly understood humanities, we cover every topic related to socio-economic life and psychology. We deal with the confrontation of sometimes difficult moral topics, where we respect the different views of others. We deepen our intellectual horizons thanks to meetings with interesting people, conferences and debates.